Quality assurance begins at the farm with regular information updates and consultation with producers to encourage supply of top-quality livestock. This includes information about flock management, animal welfare, breed performance and preferred carcase type, and up to date marketing opportunities. Detailed post-slaughter data is also provided to producers as a measure on how each lot has performed.
Prior to sale, all suppliers are required to submit a Vendor Declaration declaring that all livestock conforms with WAMMCO's strict export requirements. This includes a declaration that livestock have never been fed animal feeds made from animal protein materials.
At the abattoir, all WAMMCO activities operate under an integrated quality assurance program, incorporating all the elements of MSQA (Meat Safety Quality Assurance) and employing a comprehensive HACCP programme. This includes regular inspection, testing and auditing by independent sources such as the Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS): micro-testing of products and production environments: conformance to prescribed animal welfare instructions and strict adherence to customer and product specifications. WAMMCO facilities operate under world-class quality assurance systems including A+ Ausmeat Accreditation, BRC and MSQA.
Metal detection facilities screen all products after carton sealing, and traceability of products back to the farm gate is in place as an important part of the QA programme.
Additionally, all WAMMCO products are produced and exported along an unbroken cold chain, with temperature controlled loading environments to ensure maximum food safety and product shelf life.